How You Can Inform & Impress Your Clients about the new laws on Harassment....

without doing the boring preparation.

Save time, and money, by presenting your own seminar on harassment with a white-label solution, ready for immediate presentation to your clients and prospects.

Promote it as your way of helping clients establish the 'all reasonable steps' defence, adding value and showing how commercial and proactive you are as an employment lawyer.

It’s about convenience, time and money.

And showing off to your clients.

I’m barrister Daniel Barnett, and I've invested over 80 hours' of research and brainstorming to prepare this seminar pack for you.

The pressure on employment lawyers has never been greater  -  and demand from HR Professionals and SMEs for employment law seminars and training is rising.

 You can use my harassment seminar pack to get in front of clients and prospects, and present a polished seminar with very little effort.

It MASSIVELY reduces the investment required by you to host a first-class employment law seminar, of the quality normally associated with the very best speakers on the HR circuit.

What You Get

First and foremost, you get more time to fee-earn.

If you’re being fastidious, it will take you at least eight hours of research and writing to prepare a seminar, probably the same again to prepare a handout, and at least three hours to build a powerpoint deck.  What's that worth?  Well, if you charge £350ph, that's £6,650 in lost revenue.

If you use my seminar pack, you’re buying that time back at a fraction of the cost.

It’s a no-hassle option for any busy employment solicitor who understands the immediate and long-term benefits of client engagement.

(And just so you know, it took me over 80 hours to produce this full seminar pack and all the bonuses that go with it. But I'm a perfectionist.)

So, What’s In A Pack?

Hours of time-saving for you. Each pack contains:

 (1) The Script 

Each pack contains a complete script for you to read out to an audience of HR Professionals. The script is 13,000 words long, and if delivered in full, it’s enough material to comfortably fill a half day seminar session.  It's supplied as a Word document, so you can read it off a screen or print it onto A5 cards when delivering the training.

You can share delivery between different fee-earners, or you can cut it down to a shorter version which you can present in one hour.

The seminar:

Looks at what ‘harassment’ means, under the Equality Act 2010;
Examines how far the concept of ‘workplace behaviour’ stretches in the context of liability for harassment;
Explores the special status of sexual harassment;
Examines the employer’s ‘all reasonable steps’ defence and how it can be used;
Takes a deep dive into the new positive duty to prevent sexual harassment, which becomes law on 26 October 2024; and
Looks at what HR Professionals should do to demonstrate compliance with the new duty.

This talk is packed with practical tips that you can give your clients and prospects, to help them make sure their organisation complies with its legal obligations.

It also contains interactive Q&A sessions, in the form of two case studies, where you go through a series of questions with your audience (model answers provided). You can talk through the case studies, or use them as breakout sessions.

 (2) Sleek, Attention Grabbing Slides

I hired a professional slide designer to create a sleek, modern set of powerpoint slides to accompany your talk. No bullet points on a boring background. This is a vibrant, exciting set of slides to keep your audience engaged; a million miles away from slides you may have used in the past.

 (3) A Lasting Resource for your Delegates 

It’s hard to keep delegates engaged after your seminar. We’ve made it easier for you by providing a comprehensive set of notes for them.  At 4,000 words (approx 12 pages of single-space type), you can hand them out, adding your logo and contact details, making it an incredibly useful memento of your seminar for them to keep.  Or you can send them a series of emails every week, for weeks after the event, giving practical tips and encouraging them to come back to you if they have issues with harassment in the workplace.


Bonus 1:  Discrimination training for employees - make money yourself!

You'll get a one-hour, super-engaging lecture that can be delivered straight to employees (rather than HR Professionals), along with the powerpoint slides to accompany it. 

You can go into your client’s premises and train their staff – for a fee, if you want – to help them establish the ‘all reasonable steps’ defence. Or you can give it away as a bonus to anyone who comes to your seminars, so that your HR clients can deliver the one-hour training to the workforce themselves. They’ll love you for it.

Bonus 2:  Fully updated harassment and bullying policy

Get an updated bullying & harassment policy which fully complies with the new October 2024 duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment.  You can do what you want with it - including giving or reselling it to your clients.

Bonus 3:  Essential risk assessment tool

This comprehensive risk assessment tool allows your HR and employer clients to assess the risk of sexual harassment within a multitude of different scenarios.  Use this checklist as a powerful weapon in an employer's armoury to reduce the risk of sexual harassment taking place, and in turn to establish the 'reasonable steps' defence.

Bonus 4:  Guidance for managers on handling harassment complaints

Download a simple guide which managers can use to make sure they are handling any complaints of harassment sensitively and appropriately.  This checklist has the added benefit of being yet another weapon in an employer's armoury for establishing the 'reasonable steps' defence.  You can give it to clients and prospects, or make it an add-on benefit for retainer clients.

Bonus 5:  Unique harassment flowchart

You can use (and reproduce) our flowchart showing the legal steps a tribunal will go through in deciding whether conduct amounts to harassment, or falls within the specialised definition of sexual harassment.  It simplifies the law and gives HR Professionals an easy-to-follow memento of your talk.

Bonus 6:  A fun, practical exercise for your delegates

As well as the two case studies (for which you'll have model answers), you'll get a uniquely crafted A4 illustration of a busy workplace, with five potential acts of harassment going on somewhere in the image.  Your delegates can interact with each other in group activities by spotting and discussing the harassment risks in the image.

The Harassment pack has been incredibly valuable - clear, concise, and jargon-free. I quickly prepared a comprehensive one-hour client talk, saving me at least a full day of preparation. The content was simple to edit and customise - highly recommended!

Nicola Quinlan

Quinlans Solicitors Ltd

The Harassment pack is an ‘oven-ready’ training resource which solicitors can use to promote their services to clients and prospects with very little effort required. Because Daniel and his team have put in many hours of work to create high quality materials which can be delivered flexibly and with different audiences, ranging from HR teams, to line managers, to MDs, they can be white labelled and delivered with confidence to clients. It was a no-brainer for me to make this investment. I couldn’t possibly create anything like this - it is worth every penny.

Liz Burley

Burley Law Limited

Another great toolkit from Daniel. It’s so practical - he knows exactly what we need!

Joanna Brewer

Lidl GB

The Harassment pack has been a significant time-saver for me. I promised my clients a risk assessment and staff training ahead of the new law in October, and I had planned a full day of unbillable work to produce the materials. I’m now in a position to roll these out without giving up a day’s billing. Plus, I feel more confident in this material than I would have had I drafted it myself. It is so comprehensive and includes interactive tasks for the training attendees which I would not have come up with on my own, as well as materials for the trainees to take away such as a guide for managers. Great pack and well worth the cost.

Emma Dent

Integrated Resources


In a nutshell, this seminar pack is great because it’s:

a low cost alternative to in-house preparation. You and your support staff are freed up for fee-earning;
easy to use – download the materials at the touch of a button;
meticulously researched, and written with a generous helping of commercial and practical sense; and,
visually interesting. There are no lifeless, turgid PowerPoints here – our slides are bursting with relevance and appeal.

At the end of it all, your clients will thank you for delivering useful information simply, and they’ll be impressed by a great set of notes to take away.


You will love this sexual harassment seminar pack. And so will your clients.

If you don’t like what you buy...
...or if you don't see a 10x ROI from it,
just ask for your money back within 365 days.
It’s that easy. We’ll issue a refund straight away.


Who is this seminar designed for?

It's designed for you to deliver to experienced HR clients, or even use as a refresher for junior lawyers and fee-earners in your organisation.  It's practical and detailed.

If you want a much simpler lecture, then look at Free Bonus 1 (above).  It's a one-hour lecture, designed for training employees in discrimination and harassment, containing a simple explanation of discrimination law and harassment, practical scenarios and quizzes.

What exactly will delegates learn in this seminar?

They'll gain a comprehensive understanding of harassment law, with a particular focus on sexual harassment in the light of the new positive duty to prevent sexual harassment. They’ll learn practical strategies on how to establish the 'all reasonable steps' defence against potential claims and liabilities.

How long is the seminar?

We provide you with a detailed script - about 12,500 words.  That's enough for a half-day training session.  But you can cut it down easily into a one hour session if you prefer to keep it shorter.

How much does it cost?

The seminar script, powerpoint slides and delegate handout cost £800+VAT.  PLUS, as free bonuses, you'll get the script and powerpoint slides for a one-hour workforce training session, along with a fully updated bullying & harassment policy, a risk assessment tool, guidance for managers on handling complaints and more.

Do you offer discounts for small organisations?

Sorry, no.  This is such good value, we can't offer discounts.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes. A pretty good one, actually.

If you ask for your money back at any time within 12 months of purchase, we'll refund you with no questions asked. You don't even have to give us a reason.

Who should I contact if I have any questions?

Will you invoice me please?

Sure.  If you want to be invoiced, please email and we'll sort that out for you.

What is unique about this seminar compared with other sexual harassment training sessions?

This seminar is the only one that specifically focuses on teaching your clients how to establish the 'all reasonable steps' defence to minimise liability. It also focuses on the new legal duty from 26 October 2024, requiring employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Can I give the bullying & harassment policy away to my clients?

Yes.  In fact, it's a great giveaway to incentivise people to come to your seminar in the first place!

How can I deliver this seminar?

However you want!  You can deliver it in your offices, or hire a venue.  You can do it over Zoom.  Or you can go to to a client's premises and deliver it to their HR team.  The sky's the limit.


For enquiries, contact us.

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